Where to use Green Shield devices

Green Shield plugin electromagnetic rodent repeller

Simply plug the electromagnetic rodent repeller into an electrical socket.

If you’ve seen or heard the pests in a particular place, you can plug it in near this location.

If you’re not sure where the pests are nesting, or you’ve got rid of them but want a repeller to proactively prevent future infestation, simply choose a central location on each floor of your property.

The field penetrates the local area and also  extends to other parts of your property via your electric circuit.

For a typical modern small or medium sized flat or 2-storey, 3-bedroom house, one pest repeller unit per circuit (‘ring-main’) will usually suffice.

However, if your house is large, or the wiring isn’t so modern or the walls are thick or damp, we’d recommend more than one repeller per storey.

When you’ve got several pest repellers plugged in on the same storey, try to arrange them at opposite ends of the house, to maximise the spread of the fields.

Plug your Green Shield into the ring main – which in most houses means any of the power sockets found in most rooms.

It’s important to plug it into a circuit that goes round the house; this is how the electromagnetic field spreads further and causes the pests more trouble.

For commercial premises – restaurants, cafés etc – use our stronger GS200 commercial units. For very large premises such as warehouses, contact us for a survey.

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